givepact 2.png

Project Overview:

Project Context:

🙋‍♀️ My Role

🎯 Personal Goals

💡 Learnings & Key takeaways

<aside> ❗ Design Problem: Despite Givepact’s aesthetic UI,

  1. Users struggled to locate credible NPO information that instills trust among the donors

  2. The donation form lacked connectivity to the crypto wallet

  3. Significant drop-off rate </aside>

<aside> 📈 Business Expectations: Boosting the crypto donation rate


<aside> ⚠️ Constraints Limited Timeframe Technical Feasibility Low-effort recommendations


Journey to Our Final Proposal

Design Sprint: Discovery - Design - Delivery

Design Sprint: Discovery - Design - Delivery

<aside> 💭 Problem definition & Research Plan ****


<aside> 🗣️ Think-aloud testing & evaluation


<aside> ⭐ Client Feedback & Impact


🏊‍♀️ Let’s dive in, shall we?

<aside> 🔍 Process ****


<aside> 💻 Recommendation mockups


Defining Problem statements & Research plan

<aside> ❓ How might we

  1. Improve the poor conversion rate observed in the crypto donation flow. (for client)
  2. Eliminate inconveniences encountered while exploring the desired non-profit and making donations through the form. (for users) </aside>

<aside> ✅ Proposed Recommendations:

  1. Optimizing the search bar to find NPOs based on a cause.
  2. Adding Filter and Sort features to enhance the experience of locating NPO.
  3. Increasing NPO transparency by highlighting their impact & online presence.
  4. Making the donation form efficient & inclusive </aside>

How did our approach shape project outcomes?